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Facebook ad image size

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When buying shoes or trying on clothes, you always choose the size that best suits you, so when you wear it or wear it, it’s really comfortable and beautiful. Photos on Facebook too! Not any image size, large or small, posted on Facebook will give a reasonable, eye-catching layout and attract the attention of readers. Therefore, learn more about Facebook ad image size, personal Facebook post images will help you to improve Improve your Facebook better, bring more effective advertising.


The importance of image sizes on Facebook

According to advertising policy Facebook as we know the image size Photos posted on Facebook play an important role. If you choose the right size, the right image format and the right size, the ad will look outstanding, clear, and easily convey advertising information and meaning to the viewer. In addition, limiting the cases where the image is distorted, blurred or too big on other devices.

Currently, Facebook offers many different forms of advertising, each of which requires different image sizes, to meet those requirements, advertising strategies Facebook ads with your images will reduce a lot of unwanted obstacles, quickly count the number of relevant audiences, save a lot of time in the process of researching advertising images.

Make sure the image size, you’ve done 50% of your Facebook ad strategy! With this platform, the number of interactions, comments and shares will also increase significantly.

Aggregate standard image sizes when running Facebook ads

Facebook post image size (including personal Facebook post and Fanpage)

What is the size of the facebook ad image? Advertising with posts is the most appropriate and basic way of advertising for products or services at the present time. Therefore, choosing Facebook ads is more preferred by businesses to promote business activities and attract customers everywhere.

For image sizes on Facebook posts will create 8 standard layouts as follows:

Layout of 4 Facebook photos equally square:

  • First 4 image size: 900×900 pixels, this is required
  • The next images after that from the 5th image onwards the image size is optional, you do not need to edit .

Layout 1 large horizontal image and 3 thumbnails below

  • First image: 900×603 pixels in size, this will appear first and be on top of the layout< /span>
  • 3 images after that: 900×900 pixels in size, showing all 3 thumbnails below the upper horizontal image
  • Remaining images (if any): optional size but clear, vivid and eye-catching to maintain readers’ curiosity, want to see.

The layout consists of 1 horizontal image with 2 thumbnails below

  • Unlike the 3 thumbnail layout below, you can only use up to 3 images in this layout. Horizontal image number 1: 900×452 pixels

More: how to find keywords on facebook

2 images below are 900×900 pixels

Layout 1 large image standing and 3 small images lying on the right side. The layout is quite strange to some users, but it is a beautiful and convenient layout with today’s touch screen phones. Specific requirements are as follows:

  • First image will be vertical: size should be correct 598×900 pixels.
  • There are 3 thumbnails with 900×900 pixels
  • Like the above layouts, the rest of the images are up to you to choose the size< /li>
  • Layout with 1 vertical image and 2 right thumbnails
  • Facebook ad images with this layout only allow you to use 3 images, if you post more than , it will give a different layout.
  • First vertical image: Size 448×900 pixels

2 right thumbnails: 900×900 pixels each

  • Three horizontal image layouts

3 image sizes in this layout are all equal 900×900 pixels and remember that you can only use up to 3 images

  • Layout 2 horizontal images equally

This layout restricts that you can only use up to 2 images, but the 2 most prominent, highest quality images are enough to attract viewers, right? Requires both images with size 900×452 pixels

  • Layout 2 images standing evenly with the size of 900×900 pixels!
  • composite a best standard image that is both complete and clear with 2 sizes as follows: 900×900 pixels and 1200×1200 pixels


Facebook video ad size

Just like images, videos need to be sized properly when posted to Facebook posts. The requirement is not too difficult for a professional SEOer or Facebook user.

  • Video file size must be less than 4 GB
  • The shortest video length is 1 second and the longest is 240 minutes
  • Aspect ratio in video must be between 16:9 and 9:16

Also, other relevant sizes are also quite important such as 25 character title, 125 character or less description, 30 character word link description back down.

Standard size for Facebook banner or cover image

Currently, the size of the cover photo, also known as the facebook fan page cover photo, is the most standard and complete display on computers with a size of 820×312 pixels, and smart phones. I’m 640×360 pixels.

As for the size of banner ads for fanpage, the following requirements must be met:

  • Image format: jpg or png
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 to 19:6
  • The most standard Facebook ad banner size is 1200×628 pixels

5 most standard cover image sizes recommended by Facebook:

  • Size of standard profile cover image: 851×315 pixels
  • Size of standard cover image of fanpage: 820×312 pixels
  • Standard cover image size (aka group): 801×250 pixels
  • Event cover image size: 785×295 pixels
  • Facebook Ads ad image size: 900×900 pixels (square), 1200×900 pixels (rectangular), 900×1200 pixels (vertical style)

Check out some popular advertising forms on Facebook today

  • Facebook Feed Ads
  • Facebook Marketplace Ads, roughly understood as a shopping mall located on Facebook
  • Facebook Carousel Ads, the most complete form of advertising with carousel
  • Facebook Right Column Ads means right column Facebook ads
  • Facebook in-stream video Ads, which are Facebook’s form of in-stream video ads
  • Facebook Instant Articles Ads is the way to advertise on Facebook with instant articles
  • Audience Network native, banner and interstitial Ads, how to advertise through natives, banners and interstitial interstitial, will create quite perfect trust with customers
  • Facebook-powered Messenger Ads
  • Messenger Home Ads
  • Facebook Collection Ads
  • Facebook Stories Ads


More: Ad types


The feet will be more relaxed when wearing the right shoes, as well as the Facebook advertising strategy will be smoother and faster when fully meeting the requirements. Facebook ad image size required. Perhaps the content shared by Vio today for readers is quite long, but when you read this far, you will see that they are very simple and easy to do, right?

Viocompany accepts to run effective facebook ads, website design, quality keyword seo, professional package. The following contact information:


  • Address: No. 41 Street No. 12 KDC CityLand Park Hills, Ward 10, Go Vap District, HCMC
  • Phone: 0962337790
  • Email:
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