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Methods to increase website traffic

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It is undeniable that method to increase website traffic brings a lot positive effect for the website in advertising and marketing campaigns on the Internet. But in order to choose really effective methods and avoid applying bad ways to increase traffic to the website, that is an issue that needs special attention.

 What is a Traffic website?

Traffic web? Traffic for website is a concept used to refer to the amount of traffic to a website, is a measure of the number of visits that are counted when a user visits a certain website. This term is often mentioned in SEO traffic reports, SEO projects and in SEO research. This traffic metric is displayed through the Google Analytics SEO tool. In addition, when a user visits a certain website, or from one page to another, it is also counted as a traffic (a visit) for the entire site and the traffic value of that website also increases.


What traffic types in SEO include?

There are 4 basic traffic sources:

Social Traffic, which means traffic through social networking sites

This is the amount of user traffic coming from social networking sites, thanks to posts, ads, messages or sharing between accounts. like Google+, Facebook, Zalo, Twitter,…

Organic Search Traffic, meaning traffic from organic search results

What is Organic Search Traffic? Traffic from organic search results is the number of users accessing your website through search results rankings of search engines such as Google, Facebook, …

Referral Traffic, which means traffic through referring pages

This third source of traffic is traffic from other websites that come to your website through a Backlink or your website has ads on those pages. The pages that are placed Backlink or advertising of the website act as an introductory page for your website, helping to drive traffic to the website.

Direct Traffic, which means direct traffic to the page

The method of increasing website traffic with Direct Traffic, is calculated when the number of users directly access the website without going through any other intermediary pages.

In short, a traffic to a website can have two basic characteristics: Direct and Non-Direct. In which, Non-Direct Traffic includes Social Traffic, Organic Search Traffic and Referral Traffic.


More: general 5 SEO Keyword Research Tools

Effective ways to increase website traffic

The Importance of Email Marketing

Sending marketing emails directly to customers who have provided email addresses for direct and non-stop marketing is the best way to engage customers in accessing your website consistently directly and remember your brand more often.

Don’t give up on researching and finding new keys

How to increase website traffic can’t skip this step. The process of increasing traffic for the website will be indispensable to finding, implementing and researching new keys (keywords) to enrich the content on your website, an effective way for your website to increase the quality and sustainable efficiency.

Optimize page save speed

This is a way not only to increase the conversion rate but also to increase the traffic because when the page load speed is increased, it is directly proportional to the crawling engine your site faster.

For users in this busy life, they will find it more convenient to click on a page that loads faster.

Ad to increase traffic

To achieve the goal of users reaching your website in the most natural and effective way, advertising on social media, display advertising Photos, remarketing are ways not to be missed. In addition, optimizing the advertising budget and targeting the right customers will help businesses increase revenue effectively.

Competitor research is a necessary and sufficient principle

Like the old strategy of my forefathers, there is a saying: “Knowing others, knowing you, you will win a hundred battles” is still true. We should not only focus on one side, but also observe, research and learn other strategies of competitors and other websites to improve and enhance the superiority of our website.< /span>

Create satellite pages

The way to create satellite pages is also a great way to increase website traffic, but importantly, at no cost. Satellite pages are like stepping stones to help the main website to be promoted more effectively, promoting reach more effectively.

Name (Title SEO) unique and attractive

When users accidentally come across a unique Title and make them interested in learning, they will definitely click right away even though they have never had the need to learn before or is the content inside of good quality? Therefore, investing in Title SEO is not a waste!


Check Google Analytics Regularly

Regularly monitor your website’s movements on Google Analytics, compare current results with yesterday, last month,…, to quickly detect correction weaknesses and continuously improving your marketing strategy is the best way when you want to build a quality and sustainable website.

Create new content while optimizing old content

To increase organic free traffic to your website, we need to increase the number of articles pointing to the main keywords. Therefore, you need to add new categories, new content, new images, posts with hot keywords. Besides, you also optimize and update old articles including keywords that users have searched a lot. Certainly, both users and Google love the updated content, and it won’t be difficult to get to the top.

How to increase traffic negatively affects the website

Increase website traffic with software: ie sell traffic for websites website, this way will be easily detected by Google and when it is detected, the website ranking will be dropped catastrophically, negatively affecting the business brand.

Increasing website traffic in a few days or a short time: is also one of the bad methods. Because it’s a new or old website, Google always monitors your website, quickly detecting the unreasonable increase in traffic too much at a certain time.

Increasing website traffic is naturally neglected or neglected, meaning you only focus on increasing website traffic through advertising but forget to develop website content, making Your website is not nurtured, it is hard to rank and organic traffic is difficult to grow.


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In short, any method to increase website traffic should be carefully noted, selectively used appropriately tool to increase website traffic To achieve the highest efficiency, the ultimate goal is to build a quality, sustainable website that brings great revenue to new businesses The results are exactly what you want.


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