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What is 301 redirect? How Redirect Works and Importance of Redirect in SEO

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What is Redirect 301? How Redirect Works and Importance of Redirect in SEO? Important issues surrounding “Redirect 301” will be thoroughly shared by Viocompany in this article!

What is a 301 Redirect?

First, let’s learn about Redirect URL briefly! Redirect means redirect, this is the way that users and search engines go to a certain URL, different from the one they originally clicked on.

What is a 301 redirect or 301 redirect? It is a method of redirecting linkURL that moves completely to a new URL, which will be communicated to search engines. At the same time, when users visit the old website address, they are automatically transferred to the new address. This job is very important in handling problems such as: Redirecting articles, changing domain names, restoring old links, etc.

Redirect 301

What is Redirect 301 merger technique?

Redirect 301 merger technique on websites is similar to a merger in real business. For example, in some cases, a large “Mother” company wants to buy a few more small companies to strengthen its position and develop stronger, so they decide to “merge” their financial values. assets as well as investment capital from small companies into the purchasing company into a unified whole.

Similarly, by merging a website with an expired domain name with a new website into a brand new website that has higher authority than the previous two websites. . From there, your SEO campaign will be more favorable when the website receives a lot of organic traffic to help rank up faster.

How Redirect works

The 301 Redirect Technique is not difficult for professional SEOs to implement, but novices should note that this method should not be abused. This method is excessive. That is, Redirect 301 should only be used in some necessary cases as follows:

  • The target page has been converted or completely replaced with a new URL.
  • There is a change in domain name, or other branding.
  • The page encountered a 404 error or the content of the articles was out of date.
  • Devices with duplicate content that need to be merged together.

After the merger, the new website will inherit all links, anchor text as well as penalties that Google has decided for that Website so you need to know clear information about the old website before deciding.

Only when you understand how Redirect 301 works can you really achieve the desired effect. Otherwise, you can easily be severely penalized by Google or even fail miserably!

Why do some 301 redirects fail?

When using this technique to build backlinks for the website, the risk of happening 301 error is also very high and has a significant impact on the site’s rankings. Therefore, you need to avoid the following problems:

Irrelevant Link

Url redirect irrelevant? Choosing a 301 Redirect that has nothing to do with your website is a very bad thing, as if you bring your website down into the “abyss”. Because Google’s Penguin algorithm is extremely smart to detect and point out websites that are full of spam links.

Unrelated Anchor Text


You probably already know the great benefits of Anchor Text when directing users to target points with Anchor Links that help increase click-through rates. But if they’re not relevant then obviously, you’ve lost a lot of opportunities to improve your site’s ranking position.

Makes Google Confused

For Google to appreciate your website, the content of the articles as well as the domain name must be closely related to each other. If you only focus on the high number of backlinks of an expired domain name without knowing what the content is, you quickly redirect this domain to your website. Surely Google will have a hard time identifying exactly what your website is about to put in the search results.


New 301 redirect method

With many outstanding advantages, Redirect 301 method works SEOers trust much more than the old method before. Using expired redirect domains with topics related to or similar to yours is extremely helpful.

A specific example will help you better understand: If your website specializes in “website design”, you should search for domains such as internet, network, computer , … Regardless of whether it is more or less related to the main topic of your website, Google also appreciates it, and it is impossible to confuse the new Redirect 301 with the old Redirect 301 technique.

How to find Redirect domains?

The traditional 301 redirect and the new technique are not too different but produce two different results. To better implement the new technique, you need to ensure that you have all the necessary elements of preparation and a rigorous working mindset:

Mastery in old domain name search
Don’t be in a hurry to build a website system, but instead allocate time reasonably and be sensitive in seizing opportunities.
The old domain name must meet the following criteria:

  • Same or similar to your current website theme
  • TF index higher than 9
  • Contains most high-quality links
  • There are 12 or more domains pointing to that website.
  • Has a set of unoptimized anchor text with a high percentage of brand anchors.
  • Website should be indexed on Google and have no history of spam in the past.

If you find the old domain name that fully meets the above requirements, then you proceed to buy and merge it into your current website.

See also: What is Agency Marketing?


The Redirect 301 merger technique is just one of the best ways to skyrocket the authority of a certain website in the Top Google SEO campaign. To go further, you must have an overview of the entire system to make the right decisions.

Hopefully today’s article has provided useful information to help you get more motivated in your own projects. Customers who want to make a beautiful website by brand, increase orders thanks to overall marketing services, please contact the following information:

For any information:


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