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Difference between B2B marketing and B2C marketing

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When creating a marketing strategy for a Client is business and the human customer Consumers need to understand the psychology of these two objects, what they are interested in, so that you can deal with them and sell them easily. In this article, Viocompany will make the difference Difference between B2B marketing and B2C marketing for you to have a better view and have the most effective marketing strategy.

What is B2B marketing?

Sự khác biệt giữa B2B marketing và B2C marketing

“B2B” is a very familiar word in the marketing industry that stands for Business To Businessthat’s marketing for business customers. Businesses that use B2B always have a specific model, what they care most about is cost and profit and the important factor is time, so when marketing for business objects, it must be logical. . There are generally four common B2B models: 

B2B is mainly about selling

This is a B2B marketing  sales model when B2B is the distribution center for third-party businesses in terms of goods, services and products. The form for distribution is by an e-commerce site, or a website that can be convenient for partners to conduct transactions on it. This B2B sales model provides a large number of products to other businesses.

B2B is mainly about buying


This is a less common model in B2B sales. The B2B model of selling is that several business units will play the main role in importing products and goods from the manufacturer. Then other sellers will access the website to quote and distribute products.

B2B is more of an intermediary 

This is a model that will act as an intermediary between buyers and sellers. Like e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Tiki, Sendo… are e-commerce sites operating under this B2B model. Accordingly, the common form of operation will be that any business wishing to sell will send products and services to this intermediary channel for promotion and distribution. Organizations and individuals wishing to buy.

Type of commercial cooperation

It will be almost like intermediate B2B. Understanding what this B2B is will be very easy and this type includes the following electronic exchanges:



Internet exchanges

What is B2C marketing?

B2C marketing

B2C stands for Business to Customer are businesses that sell products or provide services to end consumers to end consumers.

In the B2C Sales model, businesses approach and offer their products and services to individual consumers. B2C companies can offer a variety of products and services to customers, such as vehicles, hospitality, FMCG, and more.

Difference between B2B marketing and B2C marketing

Sự khác biệt giữa B2B marketing và B2C marketing

Quick Compare

Simply, transactions of B2B model are transactions between objects that are businesses, and B2C are transactions between businesses. provide a product or service, and the other party is the end consumer for that product or service.

When using B2B marketing you need to pay attention to the logic of the product. Corporate customer groups have a huge need for information. In marketing materials, it is advisable to include in-depth information. The most effective marketing messages will focus on analyzing how much of the product or service you offer can save customers time, money, and resources.

When using B2C marketing you need to pay attention to product quality. Customers will care about the quality of that product, what benefits it brings to the end consumer. B2C marketing usually takes less time than B2B marketing. and B2C if you know how to hit customer psychology, you will make B2C easier.


B2B and B2C example: You sell hair dye products. will help you better understand Sthe difference between B2B marketing and B2C marketing

If you sell to business customers, they will be interested in how the hair dye features, the process and the materials used to create the hair dye. That is, the process of making hair dye products. How will buying that hair dye product make a profit for the business?. Meanwhile, if they are consumers, they will be interested in the benefits of whether the colorant is beautiful, does it keep the color for a long time, is it damaged when using hair dye?

If we understand the behavior of each customer group in the buying decision process, we will make more effective marketing decisions. Marketing or Sales if you want to increase sales. And if you want to know more about Marketing or Sales, come to us:


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