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How to increase facebook interaction

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How to increase facebook interaction to increase efficiency? Facebook application is being used by millions of people around the world. Facebook also brings many benefits in terms of work and income. Or simply facilitate the interaction of people around each other. To better understand how to increase facebook interaction please follow the article below.

What is Facebook interaction?

To learn about how to increase engagement on facebook, first We need to understand what is facebook interaction? Facebook interactions are all activities that the owner of the facebook page does publicly on this application of an individual or fanpage or group. The interaction on facebook is expressed through the interaction.

cách tăng tương tác facebook

So what is engagement? Interactions are likes, comments, shares or the number of viewers, tagging, checking in,… 

Benefits of increasing facebook engagement

How to increase personal facebook interaction is extremely important, essential if you want your facebook page to be known by many people, expand the audience you are aiming for.

How to increase engagement on facebook increases brand recognition as well as claimed ownership. If your photos or articles get more likes, comments and shares, the interest and trust in your information and products gain more influence and prestige. So how to increase facebook interaction how to do it personally?

Cách tăng tương tác facebook 1

How to increase engagement on facebook?

To tinteractive tape on facebook you personally need to ensure do the following.

Build a reputable profile

tang tuong tac facebook hieu qua

To build a reputable profile you need:

Display name: You should use your real name and include your full first and last name. If you want more nicknames, go to settings for more information.

– Profile picture: Avatar must also build trust, so update the real photo. Avoid using images that are not yours. At the same time, images taken from such websites will reduce credibility, creating the impression of a “virtual” facebook page

– Cover image: This is the most convenient place for people to know what products you want to sell when visiting your facebook page. For large frames, you need to use an image of your product with a phone number or email to be able to contact. Design an impressive photo that fits the frame.

– Complete personal information:  Next you need to fill in personal information such as workplace, address. Information such as the company, which schools have studied, where you live, … should also be filled in.

– Enable follow: Always make sure that anyone can click to follow every activity on your site. span>

– Friend list public key: This is information about your customers that you may be exposed to. Therefore, to avoid the risk of competitors that can steal this number of customers, remember to public lock the list of friends!

Interaction filtering 

Filter out the friends you don’t know who don’t interact with you on facebook and replace them with new potential friends that bring you more value in terms of interactive.


How to increase views on facebook can’t be ignored that there are posts or a few lines of status that are really attractive and different. You should choose attractive captions, impressing viewers. Select the image that matches the article you want to post.

For example, when you post, you can use bold text effects or add characters and icons to attract attention. Or emphasize the important content you want to post.

Livestream on facebook is a way to increase facebook interaction

livestream facebook

This is an effective form that is popular on Facebook at the moment. Livestream helps you become hot facebook quickly. Is a way to increase interaction with high efficiency that you should use.

During the livestream, you should have more giveaways or promotional vouchers. This will help invite viewers to share the live in groups.

How to increase facebook interaction by setting auto interaction

Please confirm that you always set auto comment mode. When you don’t have much time to be online on facebook, you should install auto like, drop your heart to interact with your facebook friends. Trust that they will do the exact opposite of you. In addition, you can learn to use more facebook interaction software.


The above are some ways that you can refer from the company Viocompany to increase interactions on facebook. Good luck with your application! Contact VIO immediately for advice and provide an overall marketing strategy, seo standard website design at a good price.


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