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Manage Professional Sales Facebook Fanpage

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What is Facebook Fanpage Management? Should I hire a facebook fanpage management unit to increase sales interaction, how much does it cost to hire a collaborator to manage my fanpage at home? How to manage fanpage management? These are frequently asked questions of Fanpage owners who want to increase interaction for fanpage but don’t know how.

Bán hàng qua facebook hiệu quả

What is fanpage management?

Also known as fan page admin is an action to increase interaction for fanpage to increase likes for fanpage to post attractive content and photos. Finally, use to increase sales interaction for fanpage.

Price list of Facebook Fanpage managers

Here is the detailed price list of packages fan page management for individuals and small and medium-sized businesses, if your company size is over 20 people and has many products, contact us for advice on a Fanpage management package for businesses.

Quản trị fanpage facebook chuyên nghiệp
Quản trị fanpage facebook chuyên nghiệp

Facebook Fanpage management jobs at VIO

Create Branded Fanpage: Create your own branded Fanpage in accordance with customer needs

  1. Google standard FaceBook configuration: Onpage optimizes tags for easy google recognition appear and appear top
  2. Logo design: Design a logo that matches the brand< /li>
  3. Banner design: Design banner with links< /li>
  4. Post content on Fanpage: Post status, sales topic< /li>
  5. Design the right image: in each topic post the appropriate image design
  6. Insert branding into Video: insert brand logo into video before posting to page
  7. Share to Groups: share sales articles to buying and selling groups to increase customer reach.
  8. Create Mini game, Event: Create promotional events to increase purchases< /span>
  9. Reply to comments Fanpage: Reply to guest comments or inbox
  10. Write product content: Write product content accordingly
  11. Monthly report: 1 time/month – Report of work done in month
  12. Create your own Group to link Fanpage: create a group to support buying and selling with more than 1000 member.
  13. Create FanPage satellites by keywords for the main page: Create sub-fan pages with keyword search multiple links to main page.
  14. Increase real Likes: Increase real interactive likes for the page
  15. Post product cart on FanPage: post product to store on same page like a website store.
  16. Post products from the web to Face: share product articles from the page website to the page to increase credibility and purchase rate.

Forms of advertising Fanpage Facebook 

  1. Advertise Posts: Promote posts to increase the number of potential customers, visitors Customers leave purchase information including Name, Phone number, Email, convenient to take care of and store customer data.
  2. Video Ads: Increase views for sales videos to increase brand exposure and like interactive comments
  3. Business Advertising: Increasing likes for fanpage – selling to customers in the area area near you. Based on the location of the fanpage’s location.

Also we also have Professional website management package 

Please sign up now for a professional Facebook Fanpage management package to grow sales quickly. If you want to fill out the form below or immediately call the hotline:

Hotline: 028 66,529,707< /p>

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