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Size of fanpage cover photo

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Size of personal facebook cover and facebook fanpage in 2020 how to choose images with a reasonable size will help your personal page become more beautiful and professional.

The size of the fanpage cover photo is usually 820px x 315px. However, to be able to display well on mobile, you need to put the main information in the middle of the image, not outside the edge of the image. Divide the size into 3 parts, the middle 2 parts are the place for information. The remaining 1 part is divided equally to the left and right of the cover photo so that your information is fully displayed on mobile and computer.


Kích thước ảnh bìa facebook

What is the size of your Facebook Page cover and profile photo?

Your Page Profile Picture:
  • Displays on the Page at 170×170 pixels on computers, 128×128 pixels on smartphones, and 36×36 pixels on most feature phones.
Your Page Cover Image:
  • Displays on Pages at 820 pixels wide, 312 pixels high on computers, and 640 pixels wide and 360 pixels tall on smartphones.
  • Must be at least 400 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall.
  • Loads fastest when in JPG sRGB file 851 pixels wide, 315 pixels high and under 100 kilobytes.
For avatars and cover images with logos or text, PNG files will give better results.
Note that your Page profile picture will be cropped to a circle in ads and posts, but will remain square when people visit your Page. To preview what your Page’s profile picture will look like after cropping, please see the example below.

How do I add or change the cover photo on my Facebook Page?

All cover art is public, meaning anyone who visits your Page can see the cover art.
Add or change the cover photo on your Page
How to add or change the cover photo on your Page:
  1. Go to your Page.
  2. Hover over the cover photo and click  Add Cover Photo or  Change Cover Photo in the top left.
  3. Click Upload photo/video to upload an image from your computer. You can also click  Choose from Photos to use photos uploaded to your Page.
  4. After selecting an image, click it and drag it up and down to position it.
  5. Click Save.
How do I add or change my Page’s cover video on Facebook?

Add or change your Page’s cover video

How to add or change your Page’s cover video:
  1. Go to your Page.
  2. Click Add Cover or Change Cover on the top left of the video or cover art.
  3. Select Upload photo/video to upload a video from your computer or select Choose from video to use a video you’ve uploaded to the Page mine. Note that the cover video should be at least 820 x 312 pixels and be between 20 and 90 seconds long. For best results, choose a video that is 820 x 462.
  4. Select videos from your computer or your existing videos.
  5. After uploading the video, reposition it by clicking on the video and dragging up and down and then clicking Next.
  6. Click the arrows to scroll through up to 10 thumbnail options for your cover video. Thumbnails can be used when someone hovers over the Page name to get more context about the Page.
  7. Click Post.

Cover video guidelines

Please keep the following points in mind when choosing a cover video:
  • Make sure the cover video complies with the Page Terms. The cover video must not be misleading, misleading or infringing on anyone’s copyright.
  • Page’s cover video must be at least 820 x 312 pixels. For best results, upload a cover video measuring 820 x 462.
  • Your Page’s cover video should be between 20 and 90 seconds in length.
  • If you later decide to delete the cover video, it won’t be automatically deleted and will remain in your Page’s video library.
How to upload cover photo for the first time:
  1. On News Feed, click Groups in the left menu and then select your group.
  2. Click Upload Photo to upload a photo from your computer or click Choose a photo to choose a photo of yourself on Facebook or a group photo .
  3. Select an image and click Save.

How do I upload a cover photo to my Facebook group?

How to change or reset current cover image position:
  1. On News Feed, click Group in the left menu and then select the group.
  2. Hover over the cover photo.
  3. Click Replace group cover photo and select Upload Image or Reposition Image..
  4. Click Save.
Note that the recommended size for group cover photos is 1,640 pixels by 856 pixels (or 1.91:1 ratio). The diagram below illustrates the dimensions of the cover photo. You shouldn’t put important information in gray areas because group visitors may not see the full picture on mobile devices.


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