Trang chủ > Knowledge > What are audience insights? The most detailed A-Z guide for newbies

What are audience insights? The most detailed A-Z guide for newbies

What is Audience insight? Before hearing someone mention the phrase Facebook Audience Insights, have you ever thought that there is a tool that can help businesses and stores bring their online advertising program to the right audience? needs, segmenting customers by age and gender, … or not? The Vio Company team reveals that Audience Insights does all of the above and more. Therefore, find out what audience insight is and how to use it right in this article!


What is Facebook Audience Insights?

What is Facebook insight? Audience Insights is like an effective “assistant” of Facebook Ads because it is an effective tool to exploit and analyze the necessary data when running ads on Facebook. What are typical features of Facebook Insights? It is to classify groups of potential customers based on basic characteristics. information on gender, age, interests, etc. and marital status. From there, it seems that you can “portray” the customer’s portrait through the information obtained.

Audience Insights Facebook can not only exploit and classify the group of customers who liked this user’s Fanpage, but also learn about the group. object of any other page. It’s great, isn’t it? Specifically, it can get information from the following objects:

  • Accounts that liked a certain fanpage
  • Accounts in the Custom Audience list
  • People using Facebook.

Facebook online marketing strategy easily achieves higher results than expected!

See also: What is Facebook ads?< /p>

Things to keep in mind before using Audience Insights

The functionality of Facebook Audience Insights looks very attractive and convincing but there are two important notes, you must be clear before using this tool:

The first thing to keep in mind is that Facebook Audience Insights can’t automatically give you a perfect list of customers, first, you have to “build the foundation” yourself This means that you select and provide Audience Insights with keywords related to your products and services. Audience Insights will use that to exploit and make similar suggestions.

Second note: The interests of Facebook users are diverse and rich, maybe common, but sometimes there are also rare interests, outside the group interest keywords you provide. But don’t worry, this assistant is ready to give you the most suitable suggestions.

How to access Audience Insights

There are 3 fastest ways to access Audience Insights, which way do you choose? most convenient!

Option 1: Log in to your account, at the Business interface, type the phrase [Audience Insights] or [Details about the audience ] in the search box, press OK.

Option 2: Find Audience Insights in Business Manager. In the Plan section, you also type the keyword [Object details] to access.

Option 3: You access the direct link Audience Insights.

How to use Audience Insights

For a tool with outstanding features and an important role in the strategy of running Facebook ads but is free to use, you should not miss it if you don’t want to regret it later.

To use the tool Audience Insights Plus, users need to create add a Business account, which is linked to Facebook’s business manager.

Once the link generation is complete, you’ll find the Facebook Audience Insights tool in the Facebook Ads Manager section.

Object selection step:

Opens the Facebook Audience Insights browser with the FA selector.

Next, a new window displays the object options. Please select one of these objects. Specifically as follows:

  • Everyone on Facebook – meaning Everyone on Facebook: choose this audience you can attract large number of new customers coming from Facebook users
  • People connected to your Page – meaning People who have linked to your page. You create a closer relationship with them with the most relevant content.
  • Custom audience – ie Custom Audience, here you follow the next instructions.< /span>

In this tutorial, we’ll use the first object selection as an example – [Everyone on Facebook].


Steps to build target audience demographics

Location – location

If your business or store has a specific address, choose the name of the country, city and region.

Example: District 1, HCMC, Vietnam.

Suppose your account is selling online? Please select the country your side can deliver to. This is one of the important information when providing Audience Insights, make sure it is accurate and complete!

Age and Gender – Age and gender

This is known as an important demographic information that helps to describe your potential customers more accurately when using Audience Insights.

Interests – Preferences

Watch, analyze and carefully select keywords that describe your customers’ preferences.

Such as singing, travelling, reading, sports,…

Advanced – advanced

Mastering the basics of What is Audience insights? is essential for you to dig deeper into the advanced features that easily drive your advertising campaigns.

These are also advanced demographics to declare for Audience Insights, including:

  • Behaviors: user behavior such as where to study, where to travel, use the computer or What brand phone
  • Language: language
  • Relationship Status: marital status, classified into 4 groups as follows: Single is single; relationship (relationship); Engaged (status engaged); Maried is the status of being married
  • Education: education
  • Work: occupation, current job
  • Market Segments: market segment
  • Parents: child status
  • Life Events: major life events that users post on FB such as: starting high school when? When did you start getting married?

See also: design seo standard website


Exploring audience preferences

After completing the steps of defining your audience, it’s time to learn and analyze specifically what they like using the Facebook Audience Insights tool.

  • Select the Page Likes tab
  • Next look at Top Categories and Page Likes

About Top Categories – top categories

In this window,  Audience Insights shows the category of pages that your most potential audiences have liked. See the top 10 and record what Audience Insights has to say about them.

Page Likes – pages your audience likes

Research other Facebooks that get more likes and followers than you from your potential audience by checking Page Likes, especially the Relevance and Affinity.

Expand to learn more about these two sections. Audience Insights Relevance is intended to help rank page relevancy.

We can use the Facebook Audience Insights tool to review and analyze the status of the pages from there, accurately statistics the Fanpages associated with customers your leads.


Location and language step

You need to consider these two aspects by:

  • Select Locations tab in Audience Insights
  • View all subtabs

Details will appear like: Top Cites, Top countries , Top Languages.

Activity and device statistics steps

So what is Audience insights? With the Audience insights tool, what can you do in exploiting, statistics on activities, access of devices, user behavior.

With Audience Insights, you can also discover what people do on Facebook and the type of device they use by doing the following:

  • From Audience Insights to the Activity tab
  • In the Frequency of Activities window, capture user activity with other Fanpages< /span>
  • Device Users: user’s device

Create ads for target audience

The time for you to run ads is when you have reached 1000 target customers.

  • Open saved customer objects
  • Click the green Create Ad button on the right corner then follow the instructions of FB

Ad Manager then has the ability to increase audience count using metrics provided by Facebook Audience Insights. It regularly monitors the performance of each of your ad campaigns.



What do you think after learning this far? Pretty complicated, right? Do not be discouraged in a hurry! Let Viocompany help you make the most of Facebook’s benefits in your online marketing strategy to help your business go further, not just the issue of What is Audience insights?

With the spirit of enthusiasm, professional staff and passion for work, Vio Company is committed to bringing quality beyond expectations to customers.

Contact info:

Address: No. 41 Street 12 KDC CityLand Park Hills, Ward 10, Go Vap District, HCMC
Phone: 0962337790

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