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What are internal links? Internal Links in Search Engine Optimization

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Internal link is a link from one page to another but right on the same domain. In the past, they have been underestimated in terms of Onpage SEO capabilities as well as usability and ability to convert. But now internal link is gradually being improved, upgraded in terms of internal features, which are more popular and widely used by many people. So what is internal link we will find out together in the content of today’s article!

Some concept of links 

Here’s a little bit of the body of link concepts you should know:

What is an internal link?

Internal link in Vietnamese also known as internal link. In a simpler way, it is a link that leads from one page to another on a website, people often use internal link to perform site navigation.

Internal link

Some common internal links that you often encounter include:  

  • Link from homepage or category to articles
  • Link articles together from one post to another
  • Link as footer, banner or menu,… and many more< /li>

What is an external link?

External link

In contrast to internal link, external link means that the external link is divided into 2 types: Inbound Link and Outbound link. Specifically, Inbound Link has the role of a link pointing from another website to your website – also known as a backlink. What about Outbound links are links pointing to other websites from the user’s website

What is Hyperlink?

To answer the question what a hyperlink is, it is a hyperlink or a document link so that when any user clicks on it, it will lead to a another location on the website or another page. Thus, Internal link and External link are both Hyperlink.

Benefits of an internal link structure – Internal link



Internal link brings quite a lot of efficiency and productivity to work, it is preferred by many people for the following 3 reasons :

  • Optimize search engines and improve website rankings – SEO, reach more customers on the web large
  • Direct users to pages that deliver high value and high conversions – usability< /span>
  • Motivate users to visit and follow the call to action 

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S.E.O knowledge related to hyperlink and internal link

<3 linked to.

Links from other websites or external links passing Domain Rating. These links help increase the authority of all the pages on the user’s website which is something that internal linking cannot do.

Internal links may not increase the authority of the entire site, but they have the ability to transfer authority between pages within the website.

Which of your pages has the most authority?

We use Ahrefs to check by entering our domain name and then clicking on “Best by link”.

Which of your pages ranks high?

Use google webmaster tools to find easily achievable goals how to create links in the web to link within pages to each other and promote each other to higher rankings.

Step 1: Go to Search Traffic then Search analytics then set date range for 3 months

Step 2: Create an advanced filter to see ranking keywords

Step 3: Sort keywords by position from low to high

Step 4: Create an internal link to the page that the website owner needs to boost its rankings

Link directs visitors to a high-converting page

Customer navigation links are always a very attractive way to attract customers, so use pages that have a lot of traffic to link to SEO pages to promote pages that need SEO. how to link web pages together helps drive more visits.

Which of your pages gets the most traffic?


Check in Analytics by going to “Reports” keep clicking on “page content” then “all pages”. You then select the appropriate time range and the report will be sorted in order of the most viewed pages.

Use Internal Link to be effective

Here is what using internal link is evaluated as yielding Highly effective you can follow:

Pointing to an internal link with useful information

It’s useful for its ability to direct traffic from one site to another while attracting cross-site interactions from users.

Build menu


Build a menu that makes it easy for users and Google to understand the sections on the website, saving a lot of time searching and gathering accurate information, clear.

Links that compel visitors to take action


What you need to do is to introduce and present content skillfully, accurately and appropriately, and at the same time motivating to attract readers to follow Call to action Web’s. Internal link is a tool to help remind users to interact.

Build internal links in the footer of your website


Menu footer is the menu placed at the bottom of the website. This is an indispensable component of a regular website

Content that places internal links often

  • Basic information of businesses
  • Product or service in progress
  • Featured events
  • Terms and policies

Considering the number of internal links

Distributing the amount of internal links in the article properly to the article so that it’s easy for users to do and doesn’t get confused somehow create the perfect link to achieve good click-through rate for the website.

Pages you should and shouldn’t link to

To use internal links and external links skillfully and carefully to achieve high efficiency, you should note the following:

Types of pages to link to

  • Page has high conversion rate because it is easy to attract customers 
  • Pages have a lot of content because it is very good for SEO process and increase website value.
  • Deep pages link as deeply as possible in internal linking.

Types of sites not to link to

Linking to the homepage is said to be one of the big mistakes when building a website because it doesn’t bring much benefit to the reader.


Hopefully after this article you have gained a lot of useful information about internal link besides the related content is provided. that you will have a closer look at this component.

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