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What is an Invoice account? Why do businesses prefer to rent Elephant accounts?

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Invoice Account what is it? Why is this type of account currently considered the strongest in Vietnam? Why do businesses, agencies, masters in the industry want to own it, mention it so much? Please find out more details through the analysis below of Vio Digital.

Definition What is an Invoice account?

Invoice accounts are often referred to by people in the world as BM Invoice, BM5000 or BM10000, representing the level of high reputation, Facebook gives high priority to advertising.

Not any individual or organization can own this account. Only businesses or agencies with large, regular quarterly and annual spending for Facebook can get this Credit Line rank. The credit line in Invoice payments manager is based on how much the business has previously spent on ads.

Tài khoản Invoice là gì?

See also: What tags do you need to run ads ?

Currently in Vietnam, very few units are granted Invoice accounts.

To make it easier to understand, imagine Invoice as a bank Credit card that if you have a good, good income, the bank will issue you a card that can be spent. spend 50-100 million even billions of dong. Invoice account is like that.

Different from regular ad accounts with daily spending limits, Invoice accounts will spend continuously until the credit limit expires. You only need to pay 1 time at the end of the month to Facebook.

Account that has a very precious Invoice level. You can set hundreds of camps, hundreds of groups, hundreds of ads without worrying about being abnormal. No limit, no threshold, screw ads without worrying about running out of money.

Invoice Account is so powerful that you can rent it out for money. The current rental rate accounts for 10-15%, even 20% of the advertising budget of the rental business.

Conditions apply What is an Invoice account?

Not all Facebook accounts can access Invoice. Only large spending businesses or agencies can own this account.

Facebook has given 2 basic criteria for invoice account as follows:

– Minimum spend of $10,000 in the last 3 months.

– Companies must have a Facebook customer support representative

When eligible, Facebook will send a notification email, inviting you to upgrade your account to this function.

In Vietnam, usually we have to connect directly with a Facebook representative to own it.

Tài khoản Invoice là gì?

What is the note to know when owning/renting an Invoice account?

Follow Facebook advertising policies

Invoice accounts limit the weaknesses of normal Facebook. But even though Invoice must comply with Facebook’s advertising policies, the account will die when running products that violate advertising policies. If a company or agency uses invoice to run banned products, it means they want to “kill” this account, and it will die within 1 month.

Pay on time for Facebook

– It only takes 1, 2 times for you to pay, so pay it on time or else the ad campaign will stop until you complete the payment. This will affect the fanpages and advertising accounts that this invoice once owned.

Need to know when renting or leasing an Invoice account

– Invoice account rental regulations are very strict, at least the product must have a business license, not to violate the policy. Later, facebook has many updates and regulations for this. Once approved, you can safely run ads without worrying about violating Facebook’s policies and regulations. This explains the question, many times you see beauty salons, spas, tiki, lazada, shopee running “strange” products, with many violations but still the same.


Owning an Invoice account is a great thing that any trader wants. Accompanying it are mandatory conditions that are not wanted.

Running ads whether it is a personal account or an invoice account also needs to pay attention to facebook’s policies and regulations. To go the long way, the condition is that a good product, bringing value to users as well as ensuring compliance with regulations is what makes you stable and solid. The sufficient condition is that you need a “genuine” advertising account, do not necessarily own an invoice, you can rent, or build yourself a solid invoice account, depending on the development goals of the company. how is your company.

You want to orient, find a suitable, long-term, profitable way for your company, or you simply don’t know where to start with Marketing, Please contact Vio Digital for direct advice as soon as possible.

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