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What is click-through rate? Methods to improve CTR in 2020

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If you are an SEOer, you are familiar with “click through rate” but if you are just starting to learn about advertising campaigns, it is best to know all of them. Frequently Asked Questions “what is click through rate?” “The Importance of Click Through Rate?” How to calculate CTR?” “How to increase Click through rate?” right now!

Click through rate overview

Definition of Click through rate?

Occasionally, you may have accidentally heard seniors mention What is the CTR in the ad ever? And then, have you wondered what CTR stands for? Simple to understand, CTR is an acronym for Click through rate or the exact meaning in Vietnamese is Click/click rate.

Specifically, Click through rate is an metric used to measure the number of people clicking on a Backlink, commonly known as the sixth SEO KPIs.

CTR on What is Google Adwords? CTR is the ratio between the number of times a user clicks on an ad to the number of impressions of that ad. For SEO, CTR is simply the ratio of users clicking on a Backlink to the total number of impressions.

Through this index, we can evaluate the effectiveness of an SEO process at a certain website. From there, we can know whether a certain online marketing campaign is successful or not? And what is the level of success to make the next plan accordingly.

click through rate

What is CTR calculation?

As we all know Click through rate (CTR) aka click-through rate is the percentage of Internet users who clicked on a link of a particular website sometime when it appeared before them. Calculating CTR is not too complicated, it is calculated according to the general formula that is the number of ad clicks or impressions received from users (Number of clicks) divided by the number of impressions (Number of Impression).

Specifically as follows:

  • How to calculate CTR in SEO: CTR = (Total Link Clicks) ÷ (Total Impressions) )
  • CTR formula in Google Adwords or Facebook Ads: CTR = (Total ad clicks) ÷ ( Total impressions)

For example, your Backlink received 10 clicks and 100 impressions, then CTR = 10 ÷ 100 = 10%

Click-through rate (CTR): the effectiveness of an SEO campaign, CTR significantly affects website SEO factors on SERPs. Say, your high CTR means that users find your ad useful and relevant to their needs. From there, it contributes to a keyword’s expected CTR, and is an important component of Ad Rank.

Moreover, through that simple calculation, you can see which ads or keywords are working, which ones need to be edited, and improve now.

If a user types a keyword to search and that keyword has a strong association with the ad, the ad will show up in the first results . Both keywords and ads have a strong connection to your business’s product or service, the higher your chances of getting a lot of “Click through rate” will be.

click through rate là gì

What is CTR in Adwords?

What is running adwords? For the reason that Google Adwords, Facebook Ads or other search platforms will have good discounts for ads. Ads are highly relevant, which means they have a high click-through rate. Therefore, increasing the quality score on Google Adwords or Facebook Ads will be directly proportional to this index. Once the quality score of a website is high, that website will have many advantages such as prolonging the advertising position with only low cost, the longer the advertising time, the more opportunities to reach a large number of potential customers. .

See also: total marketing service

How important is Click through rate CTR for SEO?

We all know, Google appreciates a website when a large number of users are interested in the content on the page through clicks. The higher the percentage, the more clearly your website is attracting users’ interest and support.

Also, CTR is a useful tool if you know how to use it to collect, research, and analyze topics and keywords that users are interested in. mind in the best possible way. Lay the foundation for a perfect SEO strategy.

How much CTR is good?

So what is Click through rate? Really how much CTR is good enough? The question seems to be as simple as how to calculate CTR, but it is quite the opposite. Because the average CTR will vary depending on the case or audience, sometimes depending on each marketing strategy and search keywords. Most especially, it depends on the display position.

They can refer to the following averages through the general statistics we search and collect: Average CTR in AdWords is 1.91% for search and 0.35% for impression. From experience, we recommend achieving a CTR in Adwords preferably between 4-5% for the search network 

ảnh hưởng của CTR đến website

How to increase Click through rate?

With such an important role, increasing Click through rate is something that any SEOer wants to do right away. And the first thing to do right away is that you increase the Google Adwords Quality Score, that is, increase the ranking of the website on the table. Google Ranking. Because any user will be interested in the content displayed on the top 10 positions.

In addition, it is not only enough to have a high position in the Rankings, but the title and description of a piece of content must also be attractive and novel. and unique can make an impression and attract users to click to see. If the title is too familiar or too boring, you will encounter many obstacles!

We list below 13 ways to increase CTR and organic traffic for your website effectively, please research and plan the perfect one for yourself:

  • Research and create long-tail keywords, impressive titles
  • Write professional and effective meta description with essential information< /li>
  • Implement “structured data” logically
  • Add images to make posts more vivid and outstanding
  • Use descriptive URL related to important keywords
  • Simplify your title format but make sure your main keyword is complete
  • Localize your content
  • Posts have a clear, easy-to-understand list structure
  • Check social media titles
  • Use Yoast preview (in WordPress)
  • Use Google AdWord for preview (other content delivery network –CDN)
  • Identifies the highest and lowest CTR pages to look for causes
  • Optimize website speed

tầm quan trọng CTR


Indeed, knowledge in general is endless and knowledge of SEO is quite extensive but don’t worry, let’s constantly conquer extremely useful knowledge with Viocompany every day! What is Click Through Rate? Now it’s no longer a foreign concept or phrase, right? Viocompany team is ready to advise, support and cooperate with you when you need to implement hcm seo service then please Contact us through the information below:

Contact info:

Address: No. 41 Street 12 KDC CityLand Park Hills, Ward 10, Go Vap District, HCMC
Phone: 0962337790


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