What is OOH?
OOH? OOH with full name is Out Of Home are activities directed to outside the house. In the field of marketing, OOH is a form of outdoor advertising through the application of many different media and transmission methods. Billboards in elevators, supermarkets or on other public transport… It’s one of the typical examples of OOH favored by some businesses today.
As you can see, online marketing has been growing in recent years. However, the coverage of the OOH form is still strong globally. Not only bringing a good level of brand recognition, this form also contributes to increase interaction and create trust of buyers in the process of choosing products in the market.
Common OOH ad types
Large billboards
The billboards are quite large in size from the details and outstanding colors of the product to attract viewers. Neighborhoods with high population density or crossroads are often the preferred choice. Billboard, Pano.. are common advertisements when talking about this type of advertising.
Advertising on vehicles
Smart idea when using public transport such as bus, taxi, car…to increase awareness to many people. This is considered a great solution for businesses with the goal of increasing brand coverage. Every day, vehicles move with high frequency and wide range. The selection of advertising from the means of transport will not cost too much, but the level of communication is extremely effective.
Ads in public places
The size of low-profile or public place ads will usually be smaller than those of large billboards. The advantage of this type is that it can be used in many quantities with different positions. In which the places are often chosen such as: bus stations, benches, light boxes, sidewalks…
Outdoor Roadshow Advertising
Outdoor roadshow advertising is no longer strange in major cities of our country. Images of uniforms and motorbikes associated with the brand run along the central streets. Advertising is often used to promote and introduce new products. Thereby creating a highlight and brand recognition for everyone.
Advertising from digital screens
Apply digital technologies to increase creativity and originality for billboards. Compared with some other types of advertising on the market, advertising from technical screens will easily change content quickly and flexibly. In accordance with the circumstances and trends of users in different stages. Besides, the image on the advertising screen is extremely attractive and of high quality. Bringing new perspectives, helping viewers’ ability to remember products will be longer.
The role of OOH in marketing activities of businesses
Drive customer buying behavior
From the billboards that are often seen at the roads, bus stations … will make many people feel curious and excited when they have a need to use it. When moving daily on the road, the images and advertising messages keep repeating. This will increase consumers’ ability to go from awareness to search and purchase. OOH is considered a great choice to promote the effectiveness of marketing activities of businesses in the customer buying process.
Increase brand awareness
Increasing brand awareness is one of the important roles that cannot be ignored when it comes to OOH form. From means of transportation, outdoor advertising billboards… easily attract the attention and interest of many people. According to many studies, customer reach and retention rates are relatively similar after a few weeks of campaign implementation.
Brand development
OOH creates conditions for businesses to develop sustainable brands with wider scope. Marketers can be creative, not too constrained in terms of time and place of implementation. Especially with many different advertising spots, the level of awareness and knowledge of products to users will be higher and higher. Contributing to increasing coverage and creating customer trust for businesses.
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Reach a wide range of customers
Outdoor advertising is not restricted to any age or gender. Advertising can reach many different audiences. This further increases the purchase conversion rate of consumers. This is a great advantage that OOH brings to businesses, targeting every customer in the market.
Connect to busy customers
“Busy” customers often don’t have much time to view online ads. They don’t spend a lot of time searching and gathering information from brands. Therefore, OOH is considered a great solution to reach this audience. With just a few seconds of stopping at a red light, waiting for a bus, taxi, etc., they will easily be attracted by the unique and impressive billboards. And remember when there is a need to buy for yourself. That’s why OOH is increasingly being applied by brands in their marketing activities.
Hopefully the article we bring will help you gain more knowledge about what is OOH? Along with that is the role that this form of advertising brings to the marketing activities of the business. If you find it useful, don’t forget to follow our articles. To bring you useful information about marketing, please!
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