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What is Social Networking? The benefits and harms to people of social networks

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Today, society evolves with the development of the digital age. Modern machines as well as technological means have been born to serve the needs of people in living and working. One of the most popular concepts and the most interested topic is social networking. This must be a familiar name for those who often use it. The following article by Viocompany will share you basic information about what is a social network. Let’s answer this and get the most out of it.

What is a social network?

Mạng xã hội là gì?

Social network is probably a very familiar name when we can see it everywhere nowadays. This is the subject of many conversations. We can simply understand a social network as an online platform built to help people connect and build relationships with each other.

Social networks are built into many different forms and designs. Each form will bring a different color and application. People have tried to add utilities and tools to make the use of social networks to exchange and connect people faster and more convenient. We can use social networks on many means: computers, phones, tablets,… very convenient.

Benefits of social networks

Social network allows users to share and post their information and events in many ways. We can post status lines, shares, photos, videos, … in our real life if we want people to know. Besides, using social networks also helps people connect with each other more quickly. Thanks to social networks, we can connect and communicate with distant relatives and friends without having to pay phone charges. You can also get acquainted, make friends with strangers very conveniently.

It can be said that social networking is a miniature world of real life. We can update all our daily events, our daily lives for others to know. It also makes for quick and fun exchanges.

Notes on using social networks

Những lưu ý khi sử dụng mạng xã hội

Social networks bring a lot of benefits to people. It helps us relieve stress after stressful studying or working hours. Besides, users will find a lot of fun on social networks as well as follow and update the status of the people they care about. In general, social networks bring us many positive influences.

Abuse of social networks

However, not everyone uses social media properly and finds joy in themselves and others. There are people who overuse social media. That is, they use too much and are too dependent on it, seeing it as their second home. This easily leads to virtual living and social networking updates very often. Besides, using social media doesn’t know who we are if we don’t show it. So the user’s statements become negative and affect many others.


That’s why many people don’t like this online site and don’t use it. Certainly, social networks will become a healthy, happy environment when people connect with each other if we know how to use it properly. First, you should limit your time using social media and should not be too dependent on it. We should just update some information that is fun and should be shared with others. Avoid revealing too much personal information on social networks.

Besides, users of social networks must know how to control their words online. Because they also have the ability to attack and make others sad like in real life. There are a lot of laws that penalize those who make indiscriminate and inappropriate statements on social media. So we need to be careful about this.


What is a social network has been shared through the above article. These are simple concepts that we can grasp. We should keep a few things in mind when using social media to avoid exhausting ourselves and negatively affecting others or ourselves. If we can do that, it will create an extremely healthy and fun online environment among people.

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