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Analyze the most effective competitor fanpage in 2020

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Analyzing fanpage is a necessary job to detect customer insights, support effective marketing. style=”color: #e14d43; font-size: 105%;”>Facebook is your progress well? Are you having trouble with your Fanpage? Have you ever thought how to make the “popular” Fanpage have such high interaction? Why don’t you specifically capture the activities of “heavy” competitor Fanpages to draw experience for yourself? Let the Fanpage analysis tool completely free but extremely effective that we present in the following article Let’s solve your problems!

phân tích fanpage

A quick look at what is Facebook Analytics?

Like most other analytics platforms today, Facebook Analytics is a competitor Fanpage analysis tool< span style="font-weight: 400;"> as well as the completely free owner provided by Facebook MXH to help users understand and optimize all actions of a customer on different channels. Those channels are used by us to interact with customers such as apps, websites, etc.

If Google Analytics is a free tool used to analyze user interaction data on the website very accurately and reliably, then Facebook Analytics is not inferior . Facebook Analytics adds analytics tools, Fanpage review tool and allows offline conversions to automatically Dynamic display of insights makes Facebook Analytics more customizable.

More: What is Audience insight?

5 free Facebook competitor Fanpage analysis tools

Facebook Insights

The advantage of Facebook Insight is to provide specific and detailed information and data through Facebook’s platform and any Facebook user can use it. use it. The condition to use the Facebook Insight tool is that the user has a Fanpage page with the number of page likes from 30 people or more.

For my Fanpage: Facebook Insight is a tool type advanced Facebook search, it provides information regarding the content of articles and their engagement. The data about that Fanpage’s audience includes demographic and geographical issues.

For other Fanpage: You can also use Facebook Insight to analyze Fanpage and then probe and compare with their own figures, thereby knowing the weakness or superiority of both in which aspects to overcome or improve.

chiến lược phân tích fanpage

Fanpage Karma – visual comparison tool

Facebook Search Engine Fanpage Karma  is a tool with the outstanding feature of supporting and analyzing many different accounts including accounts yours or someone else’s on major platforms like Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Youtube and Pinterest, and works best when done on Facebook.

The way Karma Fanpage works is mainly to compare different Fanpages directly, then display the results as a chart quickly and intuitively.

The Karma Fanpage analytics tool has 2 premium packages for you to choose from:

  • For free plan: 90 days uptime for 1 page. Attached is a comparison table with every other competitor fanpage you want. The parameters that Karma compares in detail include: engagement, (Engagement), growth rate (Growth), popularly used keywords and content and top of the current Top, repeatability ( Frequency), …
  • For the paid upgrade for $75/month, you’ll get a breakdown report Weekly analysis with more specific parameters, and also support to export data to Excel or PowerPoint.

We recommend using Fanpage Karma as Facebook search engine often because its interface displays comparison charts and graphs nicely and clearly. Easily review, compare, and evaluate the pros and cons of pages to quickly change strategies accordingly.

Analyze Facebook fanpage with “Info and Ads” Tool

Next, a research tool aimed at increasing transparency for Fanpages called Facebook “Info and Ads” Tools. Early from Facebook itself but it was moved to the Ads Library over 6 months ago with an upgraded and extensive platform more.

The Facebook “Info and Ads” Tool simply helps users know and understand what brands they see the ads they see are running. But with a smart, smart person, you can use this feature to see if your competitors are running ads in a location around you, and where else are running.

However, the downside of this tool is that competitors’ Fanpages can also check back just like you. Moreover, they accidentally or intentionally flag your ad as inappropriate for no reason whatsoever. Also, you don’t get reports on the likes, comments, or shares of a particular post.

đánh giá fanpage facebook

Klear – a tool that both analyzes and identifies influencers

Like Fanpage Karma, Klear uses data from Twitter or Facebook and Instagram. Did you know the Klear research tool was formerly Twtrland.

Currently, Klear is an all-in-one tool that measures both the number of customers you reach and their quality. You can use Klear to find a list of up to 10 influencers by skill or location, and make this list for yourself now!

The specific parameters that Klear analyzes and sends to you are Average Posts (Activity), Popularity (Popularity) and Responsiveness (Responsiveness). ), and especially the Best Quality Content (Top Content) on your MXH Account. Klear also shows you the accounts you interact with most often, and reveals which of them are the most influential.

More: Total marketing service


This is the fastest and most accurate tool to evaluate the success rate of Fanpage LikeAnalyzer without collecting Facebook Insights.

A Fanpage with a green button means that your parameters are good; there is also a red x, it means that the parameter has not met the requirements. LikeAnalyzer also gives suggestions to help develop Fanpage and similar Fanpage for reference.

công cụ phân tích fanpage


With 5 tools Page analysis completely free but extremely effective period, why don’t you go ahead and try these tools right away to build a business advertising strategy, learn and compete strongly with “heavyweight” competitors right now?

Company VioCompany provides top SEO services in Vietnam, planning Planning ADS and Facebook advertising strategy. If you need strategic advice to help increase business revenue, please contact us at the following information:

Address: No. 41 Street 12 KDC CityLand Park Hills, Ward 10, Go Vap District, HCMC
Phone: 0962337790


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