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Why choose SEO keywords for online marketing?

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At present, keyword seo service is known as one of the online marketing campaigns chosen by many customers. During the consultation and quotation process, you will be sent a set of seo keywords or asked to choose the keywords that you need to push to the top. So why to choose SEO keywords? Are they necessary and important? Please refer to the following useful sharing!

What is seo keyword?

A keyword is a word or phrase that identifies a topic, an object, or a concept.

SEO keyword is a word or short phrase that helps describe the content of an article on the Website. SEO keywords are important because they help users find your website through search engines.

For example, users tend to want to buy sticky rice online or will go to google and type “where to buy cheap sticky rice at abc…”. At this point Google tries to recognize the intent the user is searching for. From there, come up with a list of websites related to that content.

Why choose SEO keywords?

Tại sao phải lựa chọn từ khóa SEO?

Identified organic search

Why in the same field this website has more visits than other websites.

How to get organic search volume effectively and bring high conversion value?

That’s what you need to identify the exact seo keywords with the user’s search preferences and in line with the business field your website has span>

Choosing the most optimal keywords requires you to understand the characteristics and highlights of your products and services. Play the role of a customer who has a need for your business, what keywords will customers use to search for your services and products

If you can identify effective organic search, you will:

  • Get more engagement and better website post reach
  • Gives hits and keyword rankings on SERP

⇒ Improve brand awareness on search engines

How to choose seo keywords?

Depending on the purpose and budget, you can choose suitable seo keywords. Normally, we divide the following basic keyword types:

Branding keywords: 

Why choose SEO keywords? The type of keywords will help you promote your brand so that many people know when searching for a related product / service. For example, you do business in the field of corporate gifts with the brand Ly Nguyen, when customers type the keyword “business gifts”, then google will give many suggested results and your brand will also appear. . This helps your brand to reach high users and the probability of clicking on your website is also higher than other brands

So you can consider choosing branded keywords to promote 

Nên chọn từ khóa seo như thế nào?

Main keyword of service / product:

These are the keywords to focus on because they will account for 50% of the conversions for your website. For example, VIO Company is currently a provider of online marketing solutions, in which the main services are: website design, website seo service, fanpage management…. then the main keyword for seo will be the services that the company is providing

Từ khóa chính của dịch vụ / sản phẩm:

Nine keyword

This is one of the keywords that is rarely interested because many customers may think they are not necessary. However, it is a rather harsh truth that these keywords bring a huge amount of traffic to the website.

Because when doing business in any field, you cannot avoid having competitors, or moreover, your industry is extremely competitive, for example like: cosmetics, clothing, real estate, flowers, health…..

So to save time and money you can focus on niche keyword phrases, these are long-tail keywords. Just having a small group of potential customers can form a niche.

Example: In cosmetics, there are diverse divisions such as skin care, hair care, lotion, acne treatment, makeup products, etc. In general, about cosmetics for SEO, it is very difficult to SEO keywords and SEO websites. Therefore, you can choose a niche in this main cosmetic market such as a cream for oily skin, then you will target this niche keyword and choose the right customer more precisely. span>

The above are sharing about why why to choose SEO keywords that customers or SEOers need to choose before choosing. proceed to other processes. Hope to bring you useful experiences

If you need advice on online marketing strategies in general or need seo keywords/websites, please contact VIO Company for advice!

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