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What is Cross-Selling? How to apply it in business to be effective?

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There are many new business methods nowadays. It is thanks to the development of digital technology, improving people’s living and working lives. To do business successfully in the current era, companies and organizations must know how to update trends and upgrade their sales advertising forms. In particular, updating market trends and catching up, creating new business methods is essential. The following article will share for everyone what is cross-selling. This is no longer a strange name in this market.

Cross- Selling là gì?

What is cross-selling?

Cross-selling is no longer a novelty in business extension methods. For those who work in this field, they must definitely update and grasp this form. Cross-Selling or cross-selling is one of the most effective forms of sales. This is a business term to refer to the form of recommending more products related to the main product that users are searching for on sales pages. As a result, it can stimulate more interest of buyers and help increase sales. Not only in business but also in service industries such as hotels, restaurants, … can apply this method very effectively.

Many people often confuse cross-selling and up-selling. In essence, both of these forms help us increase revenue for our business. However, they have certain differences. If up-selling helps us to sell better products, at a higher price than the main product, cross-selling helps us to provide items related to the main product. Depending on the method and business purpose of each business, it is possible to choose a suitable sales method.

The secret to successful cross-selling


Cross- Selling là gì?

When you want to conduct cross-selling, you need to prepare carefully. We have to be prepared in many ways. One of them is to prepare in terms of quantity of products. Enterprises must ensure to provide a sufficient number of products to conduct cross-selling. Avoid the case of only performing cross-selling in the first very short time. That will not bring about high efficiency.

Besides, we must make sure the salesperson knows and knows all the cross-selling items so that they can assist any customer. when they need it. We must provide enough information and convincingly to attract and stimulate buyers to buy more cross-selling products.

Today, business forms become very diverse. We can conduct cross-selling directly at the store or on the official online sales pages of our business. People need to set up a mode of recommending related products so that users can update and want to buy and use. When updating information on the sale page, it must be fully and clearly noted for customers to follow.

The timing of cross-selling is also a very important factor that we must pay attention to. Cross-selling won’t be as easy as upselling. Customer psychology will be more difficult for related products. Therefore, we must know how to choose the right time to conduct cross-selling.

Cross- Selling là gì?

Ads and invitations also play an important role in promoting cross-selling. You need to give attractive offers such as “these products are often bought together”, “this item is indispensable…when buying this item…”,… Besides, the business If businesses want to increase revenue a lot, they can combine running promotions and incentives for customers. Surely a lot of people will be attracted by promotions. So people need to create compelling programs. This will ensure rapid revenue growth and effective cross-selling.


what is cross-selling has been shared through the above article. If people want to implement this sales method, it has to learn many steps and focus on many issues. Currently, there are many services to receive suitable website design for cross-selling as well as for advertising to attract customers at reasonable prices. You can also refer to other new business forms to be able to come up with the most suitable method for your business.

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